Office hours for payment of accounts: 9.00am-5.00pm, Monday to Friday. Payments can be made by Internet banking, Eftpos, Cash, Cheque or Credit Card.
Private appointments and surgery
If you are referred to the practice privately, you are responsible for payment of your consultation. If surgery is then undertaken you will receive separate accounts for the following elements of the surgical episode:
- The surgeons fee
- The anaesthetist fee
- The Hospital fee
- Implant costs.
If you have a Health Insurance Policy, it is also important to make sure you know whether or not your policy covers 100% of any treatment you may need. Some policies have a pre-determined maximum figure that will be paid for a procedure. Where this amount is not adequate to cover the full cost of the appointment or procedure you will be left to cover the shortfall. You will need to collate all invoices relating to your surgery and forward these to your Health Insurance Company for payment, along with any prior approval information provided.
ACC appointments and ACC surgery
If you have been referred to the practice with an accepted ACC claim, 100% of the cost of your treatment may be covered by ACC. For confirmation, please contact your local ACC office or visit If however your claim is declined, then you are responsible for the account.
As a Patient or Patient Representative of Aorangi Surgical Group, please be aware that you are liable to pay the fees and all costs incurred related to your treatment by the 20th of the month following receipt of an invoice. All collection costs incurred in the recovery of this debt will be for the responsibility of the Patient or Patient Representative. Please contact us if you have any queries regarding the above.